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Our Rehab Process at Evolve Recovery Center

Whether this is your first exposure to substance use rehab or you've undertaken it in the past, we acknowledge that you could feel anxious and uncertain about joining us at Evolve Recovery Center. We hope our sharing of our individualized rehab process will dispel some of your nervousness and help you obtain the most out of our services. You can also reach out to us at 888-369-7727 anytime to talk with one of our helpful admissions professionals about any questions you might have about rehab.

Why Go To Drug Rehab?

After you finish drug detox, you’re at your highest risk for relapsing. Evolve strives to help you stay off of drugs and advance in your recovery. Our drug rehab program helps you accomplish this by

  • Providing a secure setting away from the external influences that lead to drug use
  • Supplying medical care to control ongoing withdrawal symptoms
  • Exploring the hidden mental causes of drug addiction
  • Helping you learn coping mechanisms to assist you through the course of your drug use recovery
  • Formulating an aftercare plan so you can have a lasting recovery

When you’re ready to make the next move in overcoming drug use, call Evolve. Our skilled team will help determine if rehab is the appropriate spot for you and disclose all the important details about our intake procedures.

Why Start Alcohol Rehab?

Most men and women with alcohol use disorder are not able to stop drinking alone. Detox facilities support you as your body flushes out the alcohol, but it’s difficult not to go into relapse when you keep having compulsions to drink and uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms. Our alcohol rehab process gives you the strength to tackle these difficulties. After detoxing from alcohol, turn to our team, and we will

  • Provide relaxing living accommodations away from triggers to drink
  • Medically treat withdrawal symptoms
  • Manage the mental facets of alcohol use disorder and co-occurring mental health disorders
  • Teach you valuable coping mechanisms for abstaining from alcohol and managing the difficulties of everyday living
  • Administer to your specific needs so you may focus on you

Detox isn't enough to stay sober indefinitely. Call Evolve Recovery Center today to explore how we will help you conquer alcohol and drug use disorder at our facility.

How Does Inpatient Rehab Work?

Inpatient rehab is the second phase of recovery for substance use disorders after detoxing. Throughout rehab at Evolve Recovery Center, you’ll live in our up-to-date residential facility and undergo addiction support daily. We treat addiction with several therapeutic methods and have medical professionals to assist you in managing all types of withdrawal symptoms.

Above all else, there will be no access to alcohol or drugs here. You’ll have the opportunity to concentrate on getting well without the temptation to use drugs or alcohol. At the completion of treatment, your withdrawal symptoms will be controlled, and you’ll have acquired techniques for preventing relapse as you return to everyday life.

What To Anticipate During Rehab Intake

As soon as you arrive at our facility, Evolve personnel are ready to support you. We keep our intake procedure straightforward and give you time to get comfortable prior to beginning treatment. For all patients, we:

  • Conduct an extensive medical and psychological evaluation
  • Check belongings for banned or regulated items
  • Give you a urine drug screening
  • Determine which room you’ll be in and take you around

In advance of your treatment, we utilize the details of your evaluation to develop a personalized care plan for your treatment. We believe in caring for each resident uniquely and adapting our rehab process to address your particular requirements for the optimal care possible.

How We Employ Therapy Over the Course Of Rehab

At Evolve, we understand that mental health disorders and emotional distress often lie at the center of addictive behaviors. In rehab, you’ll get to explore the reasons behind your substance use in treatment and begin to get better.

We employ several kinds of therapy to accommodate specific needs. You can expect to attend

  • Group therapy every day
  • Individual therapy daily
  • Family counseling no less than one time or as appropriate

Our professionals are highly trained in therapy for drug and alcohol addiction and employ evidence-based techniques. As you take part in treatment, you’ll learn

  • How to identify and attend to co-occurring disorders
  • How to manage compulsions
  • How to improve your mental health
  • New, effective coping devices
  • How to mend relationships

All these worthwhile tools will help you sustain the progress in your journey to sobriety and help you lead a healthier, happier life after you complete rehab.

Medical Care Throughout Rehab

Building up your physical health is just as crucial as enhancing your psychological well-being. Our nursing staff will help you manage any health issues by administering OTC and prescription medications when needed. We also protect your physical and mental health with healthy meals, access to exercise equipment, and time for meditation on our outdoor patio.

A significant aspect of your treatment will be on reducing your drug or alcohol withdrawal symptoms. During intake, our healthcare team determines if medicine for the aches, anxiety, compulsions, and other symptoms is suitable. We only employ proven medications and work to establish safe dosage levels based on your medical history. We strive to help you get to a healthier and happier state by the end of your treatment with us.

How We Promote Success With Aftercare Planning

We recognize you still need help after leaving our treatment center, and we want to make sure you get it. One aspect of our rehab process is to aid you in planning for the upcoming steps of your journey.

We’ll work with you and your family to arrange the ensuing phase of treatment and how to steer clear of relapse after you return home. Evolve Recovery Center has connections with a range of different programs in the region and can identify the suitable outpatient addiction program where you will receive treatment and healthcare support while carrying on with your daily life. We also offer an alumni program where a therapist will check in periodically to make certain that your rehabilitation is still moving forward.

Learn More About Alcohol And Drug Rehab

Not certain if you or a loved one needs rehab? Let us assist. Contact 888-369-7727 or submit the form below, and one of our trained team members will reply right away to talk with you. We reply 24/7, no matter the hour. We are here to assist you now.