What Are The Signs Of Addiction Relapse?
Have you been less serious about your addiction recovery? Are you missing support group meetings on occasion? Have you found yourself slipping back into your old habits? You could be on the way to addiction relapse. Even though relapse is not surprising for people who have gone through addiction treatment, it can be dangerous.
But, if you are aware of the signs of addiction relapse, you can keep yourself or a loved one out of danger and on the path of sobriety.
Addiction Relapse Typically Takes Place In Phases
The signs of relapse usually emerge in three different phases. Find out what they are and what you might encounter in them.
Emotional Relapse
At this first phase, you aren’t actively giving consideration to using but could encounter triggers that prompt unfavorable thoughts. You may not be as concentrated on your recovery and replace group meetings with previous coping strategies. These harmful patterns may lead to mood fluctuations, depression, or anxiety. Self-care behaviors like getting enough sleep, eating nutritious meals, and working out might diminish.
Mental Relapse
After the emotional phase, you may consciously contemplate using within mental relapse. You might yearn for your old lifestyle without taking into account the hurt and torment it caused. You may even muse about consuming alcohol or drugs as a way to cope. There’s usually a personal battle as part of you wants to use while the other desires to stay on the sober path.
As the mental relapse strengthens, you may start to justify why you use alcohol or drugs. You might also begin to plan ways to aquire substances. You may even have cravings for drugs or alcohol, particularly in times of stress.
Physical Relapse
By this stage, relapse has occurred, and you are restarting your previous routines of substance use. Old habits come back, and the cycle of using will often resume. Relationships might become more turbulent|, as relapse can generate renewed feelings of guilt and anger. Contingent on how long you’ve been in relapse and your degree of use, you might need to detox again or go back to inpatient rehab.
Don’t Shrug Off The Early Signs of Relapse
You aren’t likely to arise one morning and opt to start using again. Typically, slow changes in your thought process or behavior indicate a relapse may be near. A few of the early signs of relapse include:
- Skipping therapy sessions or group support meetings.
- Recovery takes a back seat in your life
- Feeling nostalgic about taking drugs or alcohol and how it once made you feel
- Unfavorable emotions like frustration and anger become more common, and you have problems managing them.
If you’ve discovered yourself losing interest in your recovery, it’s time to delve into your substance use treatment plan to see if modifications or a new form of assistance is required.
Does Your Addiction Relapse Signify Recovery Has Failed?
Similar to other chronic medical disorders, relapse will always be a possibility in drug and alcohol addiction. Around 40-60% of people will suffer a relapse, although the rate is increased during the first year. Recovering from a substance use disorder is a process. Regrettably, relapse may be a part of it. It’s a chance to review your plan of medical care and make alterations to help you get refocused. Addiction relapse does not signify your recovery failed.
Relapse Is Fairly Normal But Also Unsafe
Although relapse is quite normal, it’s important to understand the pitfalls associated with it. There’s a higher chance of overdose if you return to using substances in the same amounts. Your body has become accustomed to a life of abstinence and might have problems handling an unexpected influx of substances. This situation can be distressing and even deadly, specifically for some drugs like opiates. Find help if you observe signs of relapse to keep yourself or a loved one safe.
Want Help For Addiction Relapse? Call Evolve Recovery Center Today
Are you uneasy about addiction relapse? Evolve Recovery Center is available for you no matter your location on the recovery journey. Call 888-369-7727 day or night to obtain the help you need for lasting sobriety.