Co-Occurring Disorders Are Common in Addiction
Illness. Loss. Unemployment. Isolation. The events of 2020 created negative outcomes for millions of Americans, and triggered destructive feelings and actions for others.
According to a study by the Center for Disease Control, nearly 40% of U.S. adults have reported at least one adverse mental or behavioral health condition in the last year, including mental illness or addiction.
Historically, approximately half of all people who suffer from mental illness will also suffer from addiction at some point in their lives, creating a situation called “co-occurring disorders.”
If you, or someone you love, has multiple diagnoses, know that it can complicate the recovery process. That’s why choosing the right recovery center is critically important.
Why Do Co-Occurring Disorders Happen?
Co-occurring disorders can happen in any order and be related or coincidental. Here are the three most common scenarios for how co-occurring disorders begin:
1.) Predisposition to Both: Recent research has shown a strong relationship between certain genes and the way that a body responds to mental illness and addiction.
At Evolve Recovery Center, we treat each individual with a custom plan that is suited to their needs. Each patient receives medication management as needed and ongoing, around-the-clock psychiatric evaluation.
2.) Self Medication for Mental Illness: Rather than pursue constructive interventions, some people suffering from mental illness, including anxiety and depression, turn to drugs and alcohol as a coping mechanism. This, in turn, can create a chemical dependence and addiction.
An important first step on your road to recovery is a separate stay in a detoxification facility. Evolve can help put you in contact with detox centers that we work with regularly, allowing for more seamless transitions in your recovery.
3.) Substance Abuse Creates Mental Illness: Whether through recreational use, pain management or some other purpose, regular substance use can eventually alter your brain’s chemistry, creating deficiencies and illness.
As unique as a fingerprint, everyone’s path to, through and beyond addiction requires careful consideration and a customized approach. At Evolve, we are certified to provide dozens of types or treatments and therapies, depending on what best suits your complete diagnosis.
Integrated Treatment is the Key
Understanding what co-occurring disorders are and how you got them are only the first steps on your path to recovery. When you choose Evolve Recovery Centers for treatment, you’ll work with a team of clinicians and therapists that can help with the following integrated treatment steps:
- Impacting you and others: Whether it’s at home, at work, or in other key relationships, addiction and mental illness are disrupting your life. Our team of therapists will work with you to better understand your situation and what some of your triggers may be.
- Working towards goals: Each step of your individualized plans will have challenging-yet-attainable goals that can be measured for progress and success.
- Putting family first: Family and friends are the social fabric that can keep you from falling back into bad habits. Part of the therapeutic process is repairing those relationships and better understanding how everyone can help support and hold each other accountable.
- World-class clinical care: Evolve is a first-in-class residential treatment center focused on repairing the mind, body, and spirit of those struggling with addiction and co-occurring disorders related to substance abuse and alcoholism.
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